Traditional Bread Types of Baking Techniques

If the traditional bread is considered as the final product in terms of its shape, it can be traced to tradition as a product of a national, traditional, historical, and typically country-specific commodity.
A. Traditional handbags:

Bread is said to consist of water, flour, salt, dough or sour pastry (or a mixture of both) of which the most part is by hand, from the resulting paste. Sangak, Berberi, Taftoon and Lavash Bread are one of the most popular traditional handbags.




Traditional Bread Types of Baking Techniques
Traditional Bread Types of Baking Techniques

B) Traditional car Bread:

The resulting paste consists of water, flour, salt, dough or sour paste (or a mixture of both), most of which are made by machine or machine. Sangak, Burberry, Taftoon and Lavash breads are provided with the above mentioned features. It should be noted that the fuel used in the baking of these breads is black oil, gas oil, oil and gas.

A look at bread production in some countries:

Bread is a food that is produced by mixing four main substances of water, flour, salt and yeast or sour paste. Other materials that are added to the dough mix in this connection are considered as additives and have lateral roles. Bread in different cultures is considered simple, cheap and suitable food. There are, of course, a variety of breads around the world, such as Pizza, Chitta, Tortil, Baguette, Pita, Brooks, Lavash, Biscuits, Portsel, Bread, Bagel, Priests and many more.

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